
Get real, raw, authentic connection with others

Meet Beth

Your Life Coach, Speaker, and Facilitator from the heart of Des Moines.

As a devoted mother to four adult kids and wife to Jonathan, Beth's life is a testament to the beauty and complexity of human experience. Her passion for people is as boundless as her love for a good cold brew!

Life, with all its ups and downs, is a messy yet beautiful journey. It's this very essence of life that Beth embraces wholeheartedly. She stands before us, not just as a guide, but as a companion who has walked the path of highs and lows herself. Beth's approach to coaching and speaking is built on a foundation of transparency and vulnerability. She doesn't just talk the talk; she walks the walk.

Beth is here to create a space where genuine, raw, and authentic connections flourish. For those of you eager for transformation and change, Beth offers not just her expertise but her heart. She believes in the power of real conversations and the transformative impact they can have on our lives.

So, if you're ready to navigate the beautiful mess of life with grace and resilience, Beth Montpas is the leader you've been waiting for. Let's embark on this journey of transformation together, with Beth guiding us every step of the way.

"Beth was the keynote for a work gathering of 35 leaders who tend to be difficult and a bit cynical. Within five minutes they all were leaning in to catch her every word and five minutes later they were up out of their seats and laughing good, belly laughs. Along the way, Beth guided the group in activities which engaged every participant  and generated good discussions of leadership and communication styles." --Barb B.

Speaking Topics

Beth Montpas invites you to a transformative journey with her engaging presentations, designed to inspire, energize, and foster deep connections. Whether you're looking to "Drop Perfection and Embrace Your Messy, Beautiful Life" through an interactive and meaningful workshop, "Why Can't Everyone Be Normal Like Me" for reduced stress and increased success in all areas of your life, or ready to be a "Fun Facilitator" by tapping into the collective intelligence of your team or audience, Beth's sessions are tailored to meet your needs. Each presentation, ranging from 45 to 90 minutes, is crafted to be fun, high-energy, and impactful, encouraging participants to see possibility, treasure life, and unlock their highest potential. Perfect for conferences, retreats, or any event looking for a powerful opening act, Beth's workshops promise personal freedom, understanding, and a memorable group experience.

Drop Perfection

Embrace Your Messy Beautiful Life

An interactive workshop experience for women to step into the next chapter of their life with eyes and hearts wide open to embrace the next year. The goal is to BE FREE wherever you are in your life or school (your messy could be health issues, relationships, kid dilemmas, career stress, friendship struggles, or blind spots that are keeping you from total joy) WHATEVER you are experiencing, we get to drop judgment of ourselves, reframe your reality and ACCEPT WHAT IS! This is a powerful, deep 3-4 hour workshop for the whole person, not just career.

Great for those who resonate with:

  • Seeking a new perspective amidst overwhelming life chaos.

  • Desiring a pause amidst over commitments.

  • Aiming for a regret-free life.

  • In need of more positivity amid life's heaviness.

  • Looking for fresh influences and friendships.

Why Can't Everyone Be Normal Like Me

Understand Yourself And Others

How to understand yourself and others in order to reduce stress and have more success in life and work! This is fun, energetic, eye opening and is high movement around the room and light/humorous.  The info can be applied to your family, workplace, neighbors and friends!  This can be a 45-min to 90 min spot on your agenda. 

Great for those who resonate with:

  • Why do I get along great with some coworkers/neighbors/family members and others that I don’t get along with?

  • I understand some people, others are just complicated!

  • I don’t connect with my son/daughter/spouse


  • People are stressful!

Fun Facilitator

To Unlock the Group’s Highest Potential!

Let’s ask, invite and unlock collective intelligence in the room: This offering is less content and more evoking the audience to get energized for whatever is ahead in the conference, retreat or meeting. The participants create the content with their shares and I am the facilitator. Best as the opening or closing act of your event for energy, depth and connection. This can be done in 60-90 minutes. 

Great for those who resonate with:

  • Shift their meetings from passive to transformational.

  • Create a thriving group culture by enabling a safe environment with authentic connection.

  • Unlock the power of belonging, community and collective potential in new or familiar gatherings or groups

  • Want to gain commonalities and create group think.

"Beth just pulls you in, her energy and beautiful smile get you hooked! The moment she steps up and starts to present, she energizes you to feel like you are an integral part of the presentation and she helps you figure out how and what you didn’t realize you needed to take away from her presentation. When I leave Beth’s presentations I leave with a better sense of perspective and a want to look at being a better version of myself than when I arrived." --Bianca R.

Let's Chat

Beth is super excited about the chance to speak at your next event! Why not hit the button below and let's get the ball rolling today?

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